Getting Started
Getting Started

Getting Started

Downloading the Asset

Stencil Lights and Shadows is available for purchase via the Unity Asset Store and follows the standard procedures for downloading and importing packages in Unity. For more information, please refer to the official Unity documentation and support.

Render Pipeline Setup

Stencil Lights and Shadows will automatically attempt to compile its shaders to the rendering pipeline being used in the project. You can manually check and change the render pipeline configurations in “Tools > Stencil Lights and Shadows > Settings”.

Built-in Render Pipeline

No additional setup is necessary if you are using the Built-In Render Pipeline.

URP (and HDRP)

If you are using the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) or High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) you must add the “Stencil Lights and Shadows Renderer Feature” to the desired renderer in your Render Pipeline Asset. You only need to do this once.


Basic Usage

You can use Probuilder (not included) to quickly create and edit meshes compatible with Stencil Lights and Shadows.

To use Stencil Lights and Shadows, assign a material with the main shader included in this package to a mesh.

  • Create a new Material in your project (Assets > Create > Material).
  • Assign the shader “Stencil Lights and Shadows / Stencil Lights and Shadows” to your material.
  • Create a new mesh in your scene (e.g., Create > 3D Object > Sphere)
  • Apply the material to it.